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What is a Deputyship Application?

If someone close to you can no longer manage their affairs, due to an accident or illness, you can apply to be appointed as their deputy.

The Court of Protection is able to grant legal responsibility where there is currently no Lasting Power of Attorney.


What does a Deputy do?

A deputy is able to make decisions in their best interest such as financial, property and healthcare.


Who is usually appointed?

Usually a deputy is appointed if they are a relative, friend or professional such as a lawyer.


What warrants lack of capacity?

It may be because of any impairment of the functioning of the brain such as dementia or a stroke.


How long does it take to be appointed as a deputy?

When applying, an assessment of capacity must be completed to confirm that the person does not have the mental capacity to manage their affairs. The whole procedure can take anything between four to eight months or sometimes longer. 

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